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10代工学は未来の製品とコ ミュニケーションを生み出 すスタジオです。私たちの ミッションは先端工学を用 いて上質で機能的なデザイ ンの製品を作り出すことで す。是非、新たなスタイル で音楽をお楽しみくだい。

textilgatan 31

120 30 stockholm


POM-9 rand

randomise your music with the sample and hold. any input is sampled and then presented at the outputs. (knobs included)

  • simple, and compact module for mixing and matching your setup.
  • rate can be controlled both externally and internally, but always needs an external signal to sample.
  • two identical outputs can be used simultaneously.

note: the modules are bare units that require you to fit them into your own setup. learn more about the possibilities in our blog post. beware that a power adapter is needed to connect to a eurorack power strip.

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