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10代工学は未来の製品とコ ミュニケーションを生み出 すスタジオです。私たちの ミッションは先端工学を用 いて上質で機能的なデザイ ンの製品を作り出すことで す。是非、新たなスタイル で音楽をお楽しみくだい。

textilgatan 31

120 30 stockholm


OP–1 field patch pack

patch with OP–1 field inspired graphics. patches can be ironed or sown on. dimensions of the patches vary from 30mm-90mm. instructions for application:

instructions for application:

  • to field nylon fabric: sew onto fabric (water resistent treatment prevents iron-on)
  • cotton, polyester, and cotton/polyester blends: turn iron on max heat. place a 100% cotton cloth between the iron and the patch. iron on from front for 30-45 sec, hold iron still. repeat but on the back side with same cloth between iron and fabric. let fabric cool before wearing. note: make sure to adhere all corners and sides of the patch. iron-on patches work best with materials like cotton and polyester but can seriously damage fabrics like nylon or rayon. washing instructions: - turn garment inside out. wash in cold water on a gentle cycle. do not tumble dry.
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