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K.O.II has 9 projects, each with 4 groups, each group has 99 patterns which can be arranged into a total of 99 scenes.
a project is the composition you are working on, think of it as a song. K.O.ii has space for 9 different projects. projects and their contents auto-save whenever the machine is not playing.
a group is a collection of samples. these are the sounds that you create your patterns with. each group holds a collection of 12 samples that can be sequenced in a group specific pattern. each project holds four groups with pad settings saved per project.
each group can hold up to 99 patterns per project with a maximum length per pattern of 99 bars. you can arrange these patterns into 99 scenes.
a scene is an arrangement of patterns, they’re the sections that make up a composition. each project holds up to 99 scenes. using scenes allows you to quickly build-up the structure of a song, use the instant commit feature to experiment with variations without ever having to stop the music.
use commit to create an arrangement of patterns then ‘commit’ this arrangement as a scene. start a new one with the previous scene as a basis for the new one.
commit is also a great way of duplicating the current scene so you can add variations to your patterns!
commit allows you to save something you like before moving on to the next idea. commit before punching in new sounds to quickly build up the structure of your song!