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instrument mode holds 8 instrument tracks.
an instrument can either be a sampler or a built-in synth engine, each with its own characteristics.
select a track by pressing the 1-8 keys, to change the instrument assigned to a track, press shift and M1.
to select a sample pack or synth engine or to change the preset on that track, hold shift and press the track button you wish to replace.
press instrument to open instrument mode.
the engine is where sound is generated, the source of audio, noise or any musical tones.
M1 is where you will find the synth, drum or sampler.
hold shift and press M1 to select the engine on the current track
when in M1, the encoders will control the various synth engine, sampler or drum parameters
a full list of what the parameters control can be found in the engine chapter .
the envelopes allow you to shape your sound, how it fades in, sustains and fades out.
M2 holds the envelopes. OP–XY features two envelopes per track, one amplitude envelope and one filter envelope.
click on an encoder to switch between amplitude and filter envelopes. this applies to both drum and synth type tracks.
while in the envelopes page, rotate the encoders to adjust the following:
dark gray - attack mid gray - decay light gray - sustain white - release
hold shift while in M2 to modify the play mode.
rotate the dark gray knob to select between poly, mono, legato and unison. this changes both how the notes play and how many you can play at the same time.
rotate the mid gray knob to adjust portamento amount, this is the time it takes to glide between notes.
rotate the light grey knob to adjust the bend range, this is the pitch range of the pitch bend.
rotate the white knob to adjust the preset volume, this is separate from the track volume and allows you to ensure your presets have a consistent volume.
the filter allows you to remove frequencies and make others more pronounced.
M3 is where you can find the filter. OP–XY features a range of different filters to choose from which will each impart a unique sound on your instrument.
holding shift and pressing M3 will allow you to change the filter type. OP–XY features several filters, each with their own character.
rotating the dark gray knob will adjust the filter cut-off. this is the frequency before or after which the filter will take effect.
rotating the mid gray knob will adjust the resonance, this is a volume boost at the cut-off frequency and can be used to accentuate the effect of the filter.
rotating the light gray knob will adjust the envelope amount, this is how much the filter envelope on M2 will move the filter.
rotating the white knob will adjust the key tracking on the filter, opening or closing the filter depending on the pitch of the note played.
hold shift while in M3 to modify the play mode.
rotate the dark gray knob increase the aux out send.
rotate the mid gray knob to increase the tape send.
rotate the light gray knob to increase the fx i send.
rotate the white knob to increase the fx ii send.
lfos allow you to make more complex sounds through the process of modulation.
M4 holds the lfo. lfos allow you to add hands-free modulation to your tracks. you can choose from several lfos which will each impart a different effect on the desire track.
rotating the dark gray knob will adjust the source or rate of the lfo. clicking it in some lfos will adjust the shape.
rotating the mid gray knob will adjust the amount that the lfo affects the destination parameter.
rotating the light gray knob will select the destination on the track, this is the module that you wish to assign the lfo to.
rotating or pressing down the white knob will select the parameter you wish to modulate, this is the encoder on the destination module that you wish to modulate.
press shift and M4 in combination to change the lfo type. there are four lfo types available on OP–XY: element, random, tremolo and value.
some lfos feature sub functions—you can edit these by clicking the encoders or alternatively holding shift and rotating the encoders.
element uses the built-in gyroscope and microphone, as well as the envelope and a combination of all three to use as a modulation source.
rotating the dark gray knob will adjust the source of the element lfo. available sources are: gyroscope built-in microphone amp envelope sum (all of those combined)
random uses a random value generator as a modulation source.
rotating the dark gray knob will adjust the speed of the random lfo. turning it anti-clockwise will allow you to tempo sync the speed and rotating it clockwise until the dial is shown will allow a continuous speed change.
rotating the light gray knob will select the destination on the track, this is the module that you wish to assign the lfo to. each module has a regular and ‘free’ destination, when set to the free destination, the value does not reset when a key is pressed, instead continuously modulating the parameter.
holding shift while rotating the mid gray knob will adjust the envelope of the random lfo, allowing you to slowly fade the modulation in or out.
tremolo is great for adding subtle or dramatic variations to the volume and pitch of a track.
rotating the dark gray knob will adjust the speed of the tremolo lfo. turning it anti-clockwise will allow you to tempo sync the speed and rotating it clockwise until the dial is shown will allow a continuous speed change.
rotating the mid gray knob will adjust the amount that the lfo affects the vibrato. this modulates the pitch of the sound.
rotating the light gray knob will adjust the amount that the lfo affects the volume. this modulates the volume of the sound, creating a tremolo effect.
rotating the white knob will adjust the envelope of the tremolo lfo, allowing you to slowly fade the modulation in or out.
value uses a continuous or triggered low frequency oscillator to modulate a chosen parameter.
rotating the dark gray knob will adjust the speed of the value lfo. turning it anti-clockwise will allow you to tempo sync the speed and rotating it clockwise until the dial is shown will allow a continuous speed change.
preset settings allow you to adjust everything from tuning to modulation targets. use the color coded encoders to adjust the various settings.
once you are happy with your settings press any of the module buttons (M1-M4) or the instrument button to return to the the instrument pages.
press shift and instrument to enter the preset settings
rotate the dark gray knob to select between settings and modulation.
rotate the mid gray knob to select the setting you wish to edit
rotate the light gray or white knob to edit the value on the selected setting.
the settings tab holds settings for tuning, allowing for microtonal adjustments and transposition, you can create up to 11 user tunings, where you can set the pitch of each note.
here you can also add a basic high pass to the track for filtering out low frequencies, control velocity sensitivity, adjust the style of portamento and increase the width of your preset, spreading the sound.
in the mod settings you can change the routing of the modwheel, aftertouch, pitchbend and velocity to control various synth parameters.
to create your own tuning, open the preset settings then go to settings, then tuning.
use the light grey knob to select one of the user tuning slots.
press M4 to edit the user tuning slot.
select the note you wish to edit by playing it on the musical keyboard and then rotate the dark gray knob to adjust the tuning in cents and the mid gray knob to adjust the tuning in micro-cents.
OP–XY comes with presets for every engine and category of sound. these allow you to quickly get up and running with the sound you want.
you can of course create your own presets to lend the device a unique and personal sound.
press shift and any track button while in instrument mode to view and change the preset on that track.
hold shift and rotate the dark gray knob to switch between category view and engine view.
rotate the dark gray knob to select the category or engine you wish to choose from.
rotate the mid gray, light grey or white knob to select the preset within that category.
click any encoder to select the preset.
if you want to mess up a sound, or flick through some random sounds then hold a track button and press M1 to scramble that track.
to copy a sound from one track to another, hold the track button you wish to copy, then press M2 to copy it.
to paste a sound from one track to another, hold the track button for the track you wish to paste to and press M3 to paste it into that track.
once you have a sound that you are happy with, you can save it as a preset by holding the track button for that track then pressing M4 to save it.
select a user preset and press M3 to rename it. use the dark grey knob to select a character and the other knobs to edit it. confirm with M1, next character with M2, cancel with M3 and delete with M4.
select a user preset and press M4 to delete it.
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