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medieval allows for fast and easy live recording so you can quickly get your ideas down.
while medieval is not playing press and release (codex) then press (fabula) to hear a four beat count-in and start recording.
strike the paeds to record your beat!
once you are done recording press (fabula) again to stop the recording and pause your beat.
otherwise, press (codex) to keep the beat going but stop recording.
if you want to start recording without a count-in
you can press (codex) and (fabula) together.
to record from the start of the pattern, rather than the current bar press (codex) to enter record arm then (altero) and (fabula).
by default medieval will be set to a 1 bar pattern length. if you want to record a longer pattern press (codex) then (minus) or (plus).
Medieval supports pattern lengths of up to 99 bars per group.
to duplicate the length of your pattern press (codex) to enter record arm then hold altero and (plus).
this will duplicate notes in the existing pattern and double the length.
while playing you can change pattern length on the fly by holding (codex) and pressing (MINUS) or (PLUS).
to record over an existing pattern, press (fabula) to start the pattern then hold (codex) and strike the paeds to record notes into the beat.
in case you make a mistake you can easily erase it! find out more in the next sections.
Medieval sequences per step. this allows you to get super precise sequences when using smaller note intervals, while also punching-in basic sequences super fast, at larger note intervals.
while Medieval is not playing, use (minus) and (plus) to step through the steps in your pattern.
hold (codex) and press a paed to record the chosen paed to that step.
when a paed is recorded to a given step it will light up.
you can remove unwanted sounds and notes by holding (erado) then pressing the paed corresponding to the unwanted note or sound.
you can also remove unwanted sounds and notes by holding (erado) while playing then pressing the paed corresponding to the unwanted note or sound.
when in free time hold (altero) and the desired paed then press (minus) or (plus) to nudge the recorded note in ticks.
pro-tip! a tick is the smallest time increment that the sequencer in Medieval uses. it operates at 96 ppqn (parts per quarter note), meaning there are 96 ticks per beat. this means that the step resolution of Medieval is 24 ticks, same as OP–Z.
when in quantize mode hold (altero) and the desired paed.
then press (minus) or (plus) to nudge the recorded note in steps.
hold (altero) and turn (knobx) to change the note velocity of the currently selected note in a chosen step. to select a paed, press it first and then hold (altero) and turn (knobx).
to change note velocity and duration you must be in an active step (one where a paed is lit up, indicating that a note has been recorded to that step).
hold (altero) and turn (knoby) to change the note duration of the currently selected note in a chosen step.
the maximum note duration is one bar and the minimum is one tick.
channel your inner organist and play your sounds and samples across a full musical scale with the claves mode. use the medieval’s paeds or an external midi keyboard.
select a paed you want to activate then press (claves) to chromatically transpose the selected sound across the 12 paeds.
hold (claves) and press (minus) or (plus) to select the octave.
holding (claves) and selecting a paed will transpose the scale.
to record a note to a step, hold down (codex) and press the paed that you wish to have play on that step.
to live record a note start recording by pressing (codex) then (fabula) and punch some notes into your pattern.
transport your music to new realms with the faedr. use it to control and record various effects and parameters in your pattern.
hold (FAEDR) and a paed to change the faedr parameter of your chosen group.
the faedr assignments can be found printed above the paeds. pro-tip: hold (faedr) to see the current recorded faedr automations. assignments with automations will blink.
faedr movements can also be recorded.
holding (codex) and moving the FAeDR will record the faedr’s movement into your beat. pro-tip: when step sequencing, hold (codex) and move the faedr to record the position of the faedr to the current step. this is latching, not momentary.
press (altero) and (FAEDR) to reset the faedr’s virtual position to the default position for all faedr assignments in the current group (RES shows on screen).
pressing this combo again will undo the reset (SET shows on screen).
while Medieval is not playing, holding (erado) and (FAEDR) for 2 seconds will reset all faedr levels for the selected group and pattern (FDR blinks on screen followed by DEL).
holding (altero) and moving the faedr will adjust the value of the faedr more precisely,
allowing you to get just the right sound!
holding a group paed and moving the faedr will change the group’s project volume. this is independent from the faedr’s “level” assignment which controls the pattern’s volume.
the group project volume can not be automated, while the pattern level can be. any changes to the project level apply across all patterns and scenes in the current project.
copying is a great way of transferring a pattern or bar to another section or a sound from one paed to another!
when in manus, press (altero) and (GROUPC) to copy (press once for BAR and twice for pattern. the current bar will be copied. pro-tip! you can navigate through bars using (altero) and (minus)/(plus)
press (altero) and (groupD) to paste.
you can also copy sounds!
when in sonus mode you can copy a sound from one paed to another by pressing (altero) and (GROUPC) to copy from the currently selected paed, then selecting the paed you wish to paste to and pressing (altero) and (GROUPD) to paste your sound to it.
when in sonus mode you can copy all sounds in a group by pressing (altero) and (GROUPC) twice. you can then select the group you wish to paste to and press (altero) and (GROUPD) to paste your sounds to it.
erado removes recorded regrets, faedr failures, whole projects, scenes, patterns, samples, or everything you’ve ever recorded.
during playback, hold (erado) and the paed you wish to clear to remove note(s) or paed(s) played as the pattern runs. pro-tip! hold down multiple paeds while pressing (erado) to erase them all at once - this can even be done with notes recorded in keys mode!
while Medieval is not playing, hold (erado) and a paed until TRK blinks on the screen to erase all the notes recorded on that paed in the pattern.
hold (erado) and the group paeds (GROUPA) - (GROUPD) until PTN blinks on the screen to erase the current patterns.
hold (erado) and (manus) until SCN blinks on the screen to erase the current scene.
while not playing, hold (manus), (erado) and the paed containing the project you wish to erase.
hold (erado) and (sonus) until SND blinks on the screen to permanently remove the currently selected sample from device memory. note: factory rom sounds cannot be deleted.
pressing (altero) and (erado) will open the system settings. use (minus)/(plus) and ENTER to navigate the settings tree then intra to set your option. alternatively the codes can be typed using the numpaed and intra to confirm.
press (altero), (codex) and (fabula) to overwrite everything recorded.
pressing (altero) and (GROUPB) will undo - when an undo is possible the shield will light up to let you know.
while Medieval is not playing, holding (erado) and (FAEDR) until FDR blinks on screen will erase faedr automation for all assignments and set the faedr position for all assignments to their current position (FDR blinks on screen followed by DEL).
while playing, holding (erado) and (FAEDR) will delete faedr movements for all faedr assignments. this will set the faedr position for all assignments to their position when (erado) and (FAEDR) were first pressed.
sometimes you want to add a little more feeling or expression to your ballad. offsetting notes allows you to move them around to just the right point!
while Medieval is not playing, hold (altero) and the desired paed then press (minus) or (plus) to nudge the note.
when in quantize mode the notes will move corresponding to the note interval. when in free time, the notes will move outside of the grid between the note intervals.
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